Our Lady of Divine Providence family
St.Bernard PARISH campus
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has launched Beacons of Light, a comprehensive process of pastoral planning, to study every aspect of the archdiocese and parishes to determine how to best array our resources – human, physical and financial – to spread the Gospel far and wide.
St. Bernard Parish is now part of a family of five parishes under one Pastor, along with Assumption,
St. Bartholomew,
St. Clare, and St. Vivian.
These 5 parishes are to come together to form one parish within the next 5 years
a small place where God's love is made BIG!
We are a welcoming Catholic community with a strong commitment to our faith who celebrate the Eucharist in an intimate, spirit-filled setting.
We foster lay participation and leadership and share generously of our time, talent and financial support, focusing on the spiritual and material needs of all.
We work to promote justice in ourselves, our church, our community and our society
based on Gospel values.
Liturgy & Faith Formation
Good music, great homilies, and a prayerful, engaged community make liturgies at St. Bernard's a great way to praise and connect with God.
Children's Liturgy of the Word is open to all children ages 4-12 and is held once a month during Sunday mass. Adults accompany children to the rectory and enjoy learning about a sacrament, tradition, or Bible story through a participatory session.
click HERE for Sunday lesson fun!
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Rite of Christian initiation for adults
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the program/process for those interested in joining the Catholic church. This usually begins in September and ends during the Easter Season. Dates and times for sessions are decided by the participants at the first meeting. Adult parishioners who are interested in sharing our faith are encouraged to be involved.
St. Bernard's Bereavement Committee is open to adult parishioners who feel comfortable in dealing with all aspects of a parish funeral. Members meet with the family of the deceased to plan the Mass or service and organize the lunheon when desired. They also plan the annual Remembrance Service for the families of those buried from St. Bernard during that time.
Parish Retreat
A new team is formed each year and meets about three times, plus phone calls and gathering materials for the day. Besides being a service to your fellow parishioners, we find that it is a means of spiritual growth for yourself!
Hispanic Ministry
St. Bernard has always been known as a welcoming community. We have been blessed to enjoy a diversity of members and are especially thankful for the Hispanic families who have joined our community. We include them in our liturgy with bi-lingual songs, inclusion of traditional celebrations like the Posada and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The families are involved in all aspects of our liturgy as musicians, lectors, extraordinary ministers and servers. We look forward to welcoming more of these families.